Finally, the brandnew website is (99%) complete and up and running :-)
Contrary to this blog the new website is an interactive community website where everybody can register and upload photos, comment/rate posts or discuss at a forum. It has 4 main sections:
1) ALBUM: This section is dedicated to wartime photos.
2) RELICS: This section is dedicated to collectibles.
3) MILITOPEDIA: This section is dedicated to larger articles (e.g. about a certain LW unit)
4) FORUM: Here you can discuss topics of your choice.
There is even a chat room. Registered members can earn points by uploading content, by voting about other content and for each visit to their content. Based on the points earned you will receive a rank.
I also plan to continue posting exciting ebay auctions at BattleGroundRelics. However, in order to respect copyright and the ownership of the buyer (who often spend a lot of money and use these photos for their publications and wouldn't be glad to see their photos published in the www for free) I will only post links to auctions and now scans anymore. You will find regular updates here:
Here you can find more information about BattleGroundRelics: www.battlegroundrelics.com/faq
The start page looks like:

The album page looks like:

The actual post looks like: