Hi there!
I continue with some more
Interestingly, there are three photos that show the same Ju 88 rudder with ship victory markings on it. Two are identical but one of them is of much worse quality than the other. Either it is a wartime reproduction of the original or it is an actual reproduction sold as "old original". What are your thoughts? (please let us know by using the shoutbox on the right of the blog). More to come today. Enjoy!Your LWCollector!
Ship victory markings on Ju 88 rudder 180181930024
Rudder with ship victory markings (seemingly of the same aircraft as the photo above) 200174434740
Again the same Ju 88 rudder (seems to be a copy as the quality is much worse) 130176689452
Junkers Ju 88 is being towed by a truck 230193340529
Photo album with a Ju 88 photo (wavy camouflage) 110193946801

Junkers Ju 88 on compass compensation disc 160183094143
Junkers Ju 88 270190090953
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