19 November 2007

Showcase: Luftwaffe gunsight Revi 16D

Hi there!
And the second Showcase item of today:

Luftwaffe gunsight Revi 16D

And it is not only for your eyes, you can become the owner of this rare piece: I offer it for trade against anything Me 262, Ar 234, or He 162 related (control stick, gunsight, photos, documents, flight log, etc.). Please contact me via LWCollector@gmail.com if you are interested!

The Revi 16D was produced in small numbers only. It was to be used together for armament with a low (i.e. quickly dropping) trajectory (guns and bombs). The angle of the reflector glass could be adjusted depending on speed, armament and angle of attack and thereby the reticle moved up- or downwards. For dropping bombs, it was a compromise between the standard Revi 16B and the much more accurate but also heavier Lotfe, BZA or TSA bombing equipment. It is reportet to have been used in at least the Me 262, the Ju 88 G nightfighter (a Ju 88 G that by mistake landed in the UK after a mission had this gunsight installed) and the Do 335.

For the Me 262 this gunsight was a gap filler until the installation of better equipment (Lotfe, TSA, etc.) had been developed and tested. It was probably used only in small numbers in some KG 51 machines (there exist a photo of a KG51 Me 262 cockpit that has the Revi 16D installed). Some Messerschmitt documents and also the AG-list for the Me 262 mentions the use of the Revi 16D in the Me 262.

If you know other aircraft types where it was installed or intended to be installed, please let me (us) know.

Your LWCollector!

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