Hi there!
Thank you all for your feedback regarding what type of Showcase items you would like to see and. I have also received some photos that I am allowed to show to you in the near future. Thank you all for that!
The result of the voting poll is pretty evenly distributed, but I think so far the winner is "Aircraft Parts", then "Photos", "Control Sticks", and "Flight Gear & Equipment". I think the previous showcase items fit to the categories flight gear and aircraft parts. So, I'll have to come up with some control stick photos soon and I will. But today, I am back with an exciting and rare aircraft part:
It was attached to the main instrument panel of a Me 109 G. The ZSK244 was used to select the amount of charge that the battery in the Zuenderbatteriekasten delivers to the igniter in the bomb. Depending on the duration and amount the bombs ignited instantaneously on touching the target or with a small delay.
There were 4 indicators for four 50kg or one large 500kg bomb (the uppermost indicator). Underneath the indicators was the circuit breaker switch for the whole bomb system. And to the far right were the switches for the Werfergranate 21 system (the rockets some Me 109 carried underneath their wings). So, a really rare piece!
I got the permission to show these photos to you from "wasabogoa" (thank you!) who offers this rare item here.
If you have similar items in your collection (flight gear, aircraft parts, Luftwaffe photos, etc.) which you would like to show to other collectors, please contact me via LWCollector@gmail.com.
Your LWCollector!

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